Child Development Lab (Pre-School)

This laboratory serves University students majoring in elementary and early childhood education, as well as children of Brigham City and surrounding communities. Applications for 4- and 5-year-old children are accepted for USU Brigham City Child Development Laboratory. To apply, download an application [PDF] and either mail or hand-deliver the completed application to:

Utah State University Brigham City
Attention: Kaye Atkinson
195 West 1100 South
Brigham City, Utah 84302

Teacher reading to children

Serving University Students

The laboratory serves university students as a student-teaching and practicum facility. University students participate both as teachers and observers in the child development laboratory.

Students of various levels and a variety of majors (Early Childhood Education, Family and Consumer Sciences Education, Family, Consumer, and Human Development, Social Work, Communicative Disorders) may participate within the laboratory in many ways: serving as aids, planning and implementing curricula, organizing parent seminars, conducting parent conferences, collecting research data, observing specific situations and activities, undertaking home visits, and/or conducting developmental screenings.

Teacher and child smiling

Serving Children

The Child Development Laboratory provides a unique and enriching educational experience for children. The lab serves 4- and 5-year-old children in a discovery-oriented environment in which children are encouraged to make choices about the activities they undertake each day. The laboratory's routine consists of:

  • Choice time filled with activities designed to develop creativity, problem-solving, cognitive skills, social skills, and motor skills
  • Large group time
  • Snack time
  • Outdoor time
  • Small group time
  • Field trips and visitors


During both Fall and Spring semester of the Utah State University Brigham City's academic year, children attend the laboratory Tuesday through Thursday from 9:00 to 11:30 a.m.

Learn More

To find out more about the USU Brigham City Child Development Laboratory, contact Kaye Atkinson via telephone at (435) 919-1258, or