We are proud of the faculty at USU Statewide Campuses. The quality of instruction and the impact of your work provide tremendous value to our students and communities. Please share with us any grants, awards, and research happenings to help spread the word about your work.
Awards | Grants | Publications
John Barton
Principal Lecturer
College of Humanities and Social Sciences | Uintah Basin
History Department
Department Lecturer of the Year
Sunshine Brosi
Associate Professor
SJ and Jessie E. Quinney College of Natural Resources | Eastern
Wildland Resources Department
College Faculty University Service Award
Evey Gannaway Dalton
Assistant Professor
College of Science | Eastern
Geosciences Department
Department Teacher of the Year
Hannah Lewis
Professional Practice Assistant Professor
College of Science | Eastern
Mathematics & Statistics Department
Department Faculty University Service Award
Rachel Turner
Assistant Professor
Emma Eccles Jones College of Education and Human Services | Eastern
Teacher Education and Leadership Department
Department Teacher of the Year
College Teacher of the Year
Clinton Behunin
College of Humanities and Social Sciences | Blanding
Communication Studies & Philosophy Department
Department Lecturer of the Year
Mark Chynoweth
Associate Professor
SJ and Jessie E. Quinney College of Natural Resources | Uintah Basin
Wildland Resources Department
College Undergraduate Research Mentor of the Year
Brian Droubay
Assistant Professor
College of Humanities and Social Sciences | Brigham City
Social Work Department
Department Graduate Faculty Mentor
College Graduate Faculty Mentor
Robert Mueller
Associate Professor
College of Humanities and Social Sciences | Tooele
History Department
Department Teacher of the Year
Katherine Vela
Assistant Professor
Emma Eccles Jones College of Education and Human Services | Eastern
Teacher Education and Leadership Department
Department Undergraduate Faculty Mentor of the Year
Charlie Bayles
Clinical Associate Professor
College of Humanities and Social Sciences | Blanding
Social Work Department
Department Graduate Faculty Mentor of the Year
College Graduate Faculty Mentor of the Year
Bruce Boucher
Professional MHR Program Director / Lecturer
Jon M. Huntsman School of Business | Salt Lake
Management Department
Department Teacher of the Year
Sunshine Brosi
Associate Professor
S.J. and Jessie E. Quinney College of Natural Resources | Eastern
Wildland Resources Department
College Undergraduate Faculty Mentor of the Year
Noel A. Carmack
Associate Professor
Caine College of the Arts | Eastern
Arts and Design Department
College Faculty University Service Award
Mike Christiansen
Associate Professor
College of Science | Uintah Basin
Chemistry & Biochemistry Department
USU Uintah Basin Outstanding Faculty of the Year
Amanda Deliman
Assistant Professor
Emma Eccles Jones College of Education and Human Services | Salt Lake
Teacher Education and Leadership Department
Department Teacher of the Year
College Teacher of the Year
Maria Givler
Clinical Assistant Professor
College of Agriculture and Applied Sciences | Salt Lake
Dietetics Program
Outstanding Dietetic Education in the Graduate Program Category from Nutrition and Dietetics NDEP West Coast Region
Vonda Jump
Associate Professor
College of Humanities and Social Sciences | Brigham City
Social Work Department
Lifetime Achievement Award from the Utah Association for Infant Mental Health
Steven Merrell
Adjunct Instructor
College of Humanities and Social Sciences | Uintah Basin
English Department
Department Adjunct Instructor of the Year
Gustavo Ovando-Montejo
Assistant Professor
S.J. and Jessie E. Quinney College of Natural Resources | Blanding
Environment and Society Department
College Teacher of the Year
Jason Olsen
Associate Professor
College of Humanities and Social Sciences | Eastern
English Department
Department Researcher of the Year
Lacie Peterson
Clinical Associate Professor / Director of Dietetics Internship
College of Agriculture and Applied Sciences | Salt Lake
Nutrition, Dietetics and Food Sciences Department
Department Faculty University Service Award
Jeremy Rickets
College of Humanities and Social Sciences | Eastern
English Department
Department Lecturer of the Year
Jason Twede
Associate Professor
College of Humanities and Social Sciences| Tooele
Sociology Department
USU Tooele Outstanding Faculty of the Year
Rachel Turner
Assistant Professor
Emma Eccles Jones College of Education and Human Services | Eastern
Teacher Education and Leadership Department
Department Graduate Teacher of the Year
Becky Williams
Associate Professor
College of Science | Uintah Basin
Biology Department
USU Uintah Basin Outstanding Researcher of the Year
Don Busenbark
Senior Lecturer / Assistant Head of Department of Mathematics & Statistics, Statewide Campuses
Mathematics & Statistics | Uintah Basin
- 2024-2030: National Science Foundation Noyce Grant: “Community Impact with Teacher Leaders in Data Science and Math Modeling”: $3,000,000
- (Senior Personnel): Provides comprehensive support and training for Master Teaching Fellows to enable them to become local teacher-leaders in mathematical modeling and data science and bring learning opportunities in these blossoming fields to students in rural Utah.
Amanda Deliman
Assistant Professor
Teacher Education & Leadership | Salt Lake
- 2024-2025: Teaching with Primary Sources Western Regional Grant: "Exploring Worlds Within Pages: Enhancing Elementary Social Studies and Language Arts through Primary Sources and Children's Literature". $25,000
- 2024-2026: Spencer Foundation Education Grant: "I can't teach that: The determinants of curriculum and instructional choices of elementary Social Studies teachers in the age of declining teacher autonomy". $49,995
Colleen Jones
Lead Researcher
Bingham Research Center | Uintah Basin
- 2024-2025: Utah Public Lands Initiative. Cattail Control Management Strategies on Utah’s Public Lands. $42.465
- 2023-2026: Collaborative Research: Verification of Atmospheric Mercury Redox Reaction Rates. Colleen P. Jones and Seth Lyman. National Science Foundation. $584,512
Seth Lyman
Associate Professor / Research Professor and Director
Bingham Research Center | Uintah Basin
- 2021-2024: Uinta Basin Air Quality Research. Funded in annual contracts by Uintah Special Service District 1 (formerly Uintah Impact Mitigation Special Service District). $1,000,000
- 2023-2026: Methane Emissions from Energy Production to Consumption: multiscale test bed in the Uinta and Salt Lake Basins. Funded by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. $73,361
- 2023-2026: Collaborative Research: Verification of Atmospheric Mercury Redox Reaction Rates. Co-investigator with Colleen Jones, USU, as lead investigator. Funded by National Science Foundation. $585,000
- 2021-2024: Collaborative Research: Development of a Better Understanding of Ambient Reactive Mercury Chemistry. Funded by National Science Foundation. $403,000
- 2024-2027: Uinta-Piceance Basin Carbon Management and Community Engagement Partnership. Funded by the U.S. Department of Energy. University of Utah is prime awardee. $363,000
- 2024-2026: Governor’s Office of Economic Opportunity. Oversight and management of grantees for the Air and Water Innovations Grant Program. $30,000
Brooke Osborne
Assistant Professor
Environment and Society | Moab
- 2023-2028: S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Science: “Incorporating above- and below ground carbon into terrestrial dryland state and transition models to better understand, predict, and manage for carbon”: $492,749
- (PI): Proposed research to provide novel, actionable science in partnership with the NRCS to directly address ongoing management questions related to carbon sequestration.
- 2022-2028: Bureau of Land Management, Rangeland Management Program: $250,000
- (Co-PI): Collaborative effort to inventory and scale soil carbon stocks on Utah’s BLM lands and identify management practices to sequester carbon and increase forage and drought resiliency. This work aims to help build a framework with which the U.S. can sequester carbon on public lands.
Tim Riesen
Research Assistant Professor / Director of Research and Training
Institute for Disability Research, Policy & Practice | Salt Lake
- 2024: Rehabilitation Services Administration, Pathways to Partnerships, Disability Innovation Fund (DIF): “Map My Transition”: $5.4 million
Marla Robertson
Associate Professor
Teacher Education and Leadership | Uintah Basin
- 2024-2025: Teaching with Primary Sources Western Regional Grant: "Exploring Worlds Within Pages: Enhancing Elementary Social Studies and Language Arts through Primary Sources and Children's Literature": $25,000
Eric Rowley
Clinical Professor / Director of the Utah Mathematics Endorsement Project
Mathematics & Statistics | Blanding
- 2024-2030: National Science Foundation Noyce Grant: “Community Impact with Teacher Leaders in Data Science and Math Modeling”: $3,000,000
(Senior Personnel): Provides comprehensive support and training for Master Teaching Fellows to enable them to become local teacher-leaders in mathematical modeling and data science and bring learning opportunities in these blossoming fields to students in rural Utah.
Rachel Turner
Assistant Professor
Teacher Education and Leadership | Eastern
- 2024-2025: Teaching with Primary Sources Western Regional Grant: "Exploring Worlds Within Pages: Enhancing Elementary Social Studies and Language Arts through Primary Sources and Children's Literature": $25,000
- 2024-2026: Spencer Foundation Education Grant: "I can't teach that: The determinants of curriculum and instructional choices of elementary Social Studies teachers in the age of declining teacher autonomy". $49,995
Brian Droubay
Assistant Professor
Social Work | Brigham City
- 2021-2022: Principal investigator, Religiosity, internalized homophobia, and endorsement of compulsive sexual behaviour disorder criteria. Achieving Equity Investment Grants: Office of Research and Sponsored Programs, University of Mississippi. Co-investigator: Drew Lefmann. $3,675
- 2021-2022: Principal investigator, Sexual orientation, homophobic attitudes, and self-perceived pornography addiction. Research Innovations Grant: Center for Intersectional Gender Studies and Research, Utah State University. $1,500
- 2022-2023: Faculty sponsor, The impact of peer acceptance on LGB women’s sexual and spiritual identity integration. Graduate Research and Creative Opportunities Grant, Utah State University. Principal investigator: Janice Snow. $2,000
- 2022-2023: Principal investigator, Fostering the integration of spiritual competency training into mental health graduate education. University of South Alabama (a re-grant from the John Templeton Foundation). $40,000
Seth Lyman
Associate Professor / Research Professor and Director
Bingham Research Center | Uintah Basin
- 2022-2023: The Salt Lake Regional Smoke, Ozone and Aerosol Study. Funded by Utah Division of Air Quality, Chevron, and Big West Oil. $125,000
- 2022: Measurement of Organic Compound Emissions from a Produced Water Disposal Facility. Funded by a produced water disposal company (subject to a non-disclosure agreement). $68,000
- 2021-2022: Analysis of Glycols in Water Samples. Funded by a private company (subject to a non-disclosure agreement). $10,000
- 2021-2022: Development of Top-down Hydrocarbon Emission from Oil and Gas Production in the Uinta Basin. Funded by the Utah Division of Air Quality. $38,000
Becky Williams
Associate Professor
Biology | Uintah Basin
- 2022: United States Forest Service Northern Goshawk Breeding Success, PI Becky Williams. $10,000
Clayton Brown
Associate Professor
History | Uintah Basin
- Brown, Clayton (2023).Museums, Monuments, and Memorials: Commemorating the American War in Vietnam. Education About Asia,28(2)(Fall 2023), 32-38.
Sunshine Brosi
Associate Professor
Wildland Resources | Eastern
- Kellett, M. J., Maloof, J. E., Masino, S. A., Frelich, L. E., Faison, E. K., Brosi, S. L., & Foster, D. R. (2023).Forest-clearing to create early-successional habitats: Questionable benefits, significant costs. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 5, 274.
Benjamin Burger
Associate Professor
Geology | Uintah Basin
- Burger, B.J. (2023).Mystery in Middle Park: Relocating the site of Colorado's first dinosaur discovery.Earth Sciences History. 42(1), 102-122.
Don Busenbark
Senior Lecturer and Assistant Department Head
Mathamatics & Statistics | Uintah Basin
- Busenbark, D.; Christiansen, M.A. (2023) The Crucial Role and Responsibilities of Mentoring Program Coordinator. Making Connections: A Handbook for Effective Formal Mentoring Programs in Academia; Dominguez, N.; Law, D., Eds.; Empowering Teaching Open Access Series: Utah State University: Logan, UT.
- Hernandez, P., Busenbark, D., Hales, K., & Law, D. (2023). Defining Recruitment, Selection, and Matching Strategies. In Making Connections: A Handbook for Effective Formal Mentoring Programs in Academia.
Noel A. Carmack
Art & Design | Eastern
- Carmack, Noel (2023). “Correlating Orthodoxy and Style: Institutionally ‘Approved’ Christ-centered Art in LDS Visual Resources and Meetinghouses 1990-2021.Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought, 56 (4), 1-61.
Mike Christiansen
Associate Professor
Organic Chemistry | Uintah Basin
- Busenbark, D.; Christiansen, M.A. (2023) The Crucial Role and Responsibilities of Mentoring Program Coordinator. In Making Connections: A Handbook for Effective Formal Mentoring Programs in Academia; Dominguez, N.; Law, D., Eds.; Empowering Teaching Open Access Series: Utah State University: Logan, UT, 2023.
Amanda Deliman
Assistant Professor
Teacher Education and Leadership | Salt Lake
- Turner, R., Deliman, A. & Robertson, M. K. (2023). Curriculum Integration Using Picture Books: Combining Language Arts and Social Studies Standards to Address Controversial Issues. Social Studies and the Young Learner, 36(1), 27-32.
- Deliman, A. & Lott, K. (2023). Inquiry-based Learning on Biomimicry: Linking Science and Literacy Using Children’s Picturebooks in the Early Childhood Classroom. Science and Children, 60(6). 20-24.
- Deliman, A. & Breitenstein, J. (2022). Nurturing Meaningful Student Agency: A Kindergarten Teacher Supports Beginning Readers Using Wordless and Post-Modern Picturebooks. The Dragon Lode, 40(2), 25-36.
- Deliman, A., Robertson, M.K. & Turner, R.K. (2024). Combining Social-Emotional Learning Competencies and Contemporary Concerns Picturebooks to Foster Early Literacy Practices: An Interdisciplinary Approach, The Reading Teacher. http://doi.org/10.1002/trtr.2357
- Deliman, A., Smith, J.M., Robertson, M.K., *Bunnell, G. & *De Oliveira, J. (2024). The texts, the tasks, the talk: Reading, discussing, and exploring children’s literature. The Dragon Lode, 42(2), 47-57.
Brian Droubay
Assistant Professor
Social Work | Brigham City
- Droubay, B. A., Shafer, K., Miles, R. J., Butters, R. P., & Grubbs, J. B. (2024). Secrecy and deception: Values, shame, and endorsement of hiding one’s pornography viewing. Sexual and Relationship Therapy, 39(1), 174-201.
- Droubay, B. A., & White, A. (2023). Sexual orientation, homophobic attitudes, and self-perceived pornography addiction. Sexuality Research and Social Policy. Advance online publication.
- Fisher, A. K., Droubay, B. A., & Bacon, C. (2023). Exploring the relationship between interpersonal empathy, social empathy, and racial attitudes. Journal of Social Service Research, 49(3), 342-356.
Kim Hales
Senior Lecturer
English | Uintah Basin
- Hernandez, P., Busenbark, D., Hales, K., & Law, D. (2023). Defining Recruitment, Selection, and Matching Strategies. Making Connections: A handbook for effective formal mentoring programs in academia
- Hager, M. H., Hales, K., Dominguez, N. (2023). Recognizing Mentoring Program Identity and Applying Theoretical Frameworks for Design, Support, and Research. In D. Law & N. Dominguez (eds.),Making connections: A handbook for effective formal mentoring programs in academia.(pp. 200-221). Utah State University.
- Spears, J., Hales, K., & Lewis, H.M. (2023). Case study of the statewide faculty-to-student mentoring program at Utah State University. In D. Law & N. Dominguez (eds.), Making Connections: A handbook for effective formal mentoring programs in academia (pp. 359-368). Utah State University.
Colleen Jones
Lead Researcher
Bingham Research Center | Uintah Basin
- Jaffe, D. A., Ninneman, M., Nguyen, L., Lee, H., Hu, L., Ketcherside, D., Jin, L., Cope, E., Lyman, S., Jones, C., O’Neil, T., & Mansfield, M. L. (2024). Key results from the Salt Lake Regional Smoke, Ozone and Aerosol Study (SAMOZA). Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association.
- Jones, C., Tran, H., Tran T., Lyman, S., 2024. Assimilating Satellite-Derived Snow Cover and Albedo Data to Improve 3-D Weather and Photochemical Models. Atmosphere, 15, 954.
- Jones, C., Amacher, M., Grossl, P., & Jacobson, A. (2023). Selenium Removal by Sediments and Plants at the Constructed Pariette Wetlands, Utah (USA). Water, 15(9), 1728.
Vonda Jump
Associate Professor
Social Work | Brigham City
- Soyer, M., McCrackin, G., Ziyanak, S., Givens, J., Jump, V., & Schad, J. (2023). Leaving the Lectures Behind: Using Community-Engaged Learning in Research Methods Classes to Teach about Sustainability. Teaching Sociology, 51(2), 151-160.
David Law
Professor / Associate Vice President
Human Development and Family Studies | Uintah Basin
- Hernandez, P., Busenbark, D., Hales, K., & Law, D. (2023). "Defining Recruitment, Selection, and Matching Strategies." Making connections: A handbook for effective formal mentoring programs in academia. Utah State University.
- Law, D. & Dominguez, N. (Eds.) (2023). Making connections: A handbook for effective formal mentoring programs in academia. Utah State University.
- Law, D.D., Vouvalis, N., Harris, A. & LaMuth, J. (2023). "The mentoring program as a research project." In D. Law & N. Dominguez (eds.), Making Connections: A handbook for effective formal mentoring programs in academia (pp. 326-350). Utah State University.
John Lawson
Senior Air Quality Scientist Research
Brigham Research Center | Uintah Basin
- Stratman et al., 2024, Testing Stochastic and Perturbed Parameter Methods in an Experimental 1-km Warn-on-Forecast System Using NSSL’s Phased-Array Radar Observations, Monthly Weather Review, 2024.
- Lawson, J.R., Potvin, C.K. and Nelson, K., 2024. Decoding the Atmosphere: Optimising Probabilistic Forecasts with Information Gain. Meteorology, 3(2), pp.212-231.
Hannah Lewis
Professional Practice Assistant Professor
Mathematics & Statistics | Eastern
- Spears, J., Hales, K., & Lewis, H.M. (2023). "Case study of the statewide faculty-to-student mentoring program at Utah State University." In D. Law & N. Dominguez (eds.), Making Connections: A handbook for effective formal mentoring programs in academia (pp. 359-368). Utah State University.
Seth Lyman
Associate Professor / Research Professor and Director
Chemistry & Biochemistry / Bingham Entrepreneurship & Energy Research Center | Uintah Basin
- Jaffe, D. A., Ninneman, M., Nguyen, L., Lee, H., Hu, L., Ketcherside, D., Jin, L., Cope, E., Lyman, S., Jones, C., O’Neil, T., & Mansfield, M. L. Key results from the Salt Lake Regional Smoke, Ozone and Aerosol Study (SAMOZA). Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association.
- Ninneman M., Lyman S., Hu L., Cope E., Ketcherside D. and Jaffe D., (2023). Investigation of Ozone Formation Chemistry during the Salt Lake Regional Smoke, Ozone, and Aerosol Study (SAMOZA). ACS Earth and Space Chemistry 7, 2521-2534.
- Derry, E.J., Elgiar, T.R., Wilmot, T.Y., Hoch, N.W., Hirshorn, N.S., Weiss-Penzias, P., Lee, C.F., Lin, J.C., Hallar, A.G., Volkamer, R. and Lyman, S.N., 2024. Elevated oxidized mercury in the free troposphere: Analytical advances and application at a remote continental mountaintop site. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 24, 9615-9643.
- Jones, C., Tran, H., Tran, T., Lyman, S., 2024. Assimilating Satellite-Derived Snow Cover and Albedo Data to Improve 3-D Weather and Photochemical Models. Atmosphere, 15, 954.
- Elgiar, T.R., Lyman, S.N., Andron, T.D., Gratz, L., Hallar, A.G., Horvat, M., Nair, V.S., O’Neil, T., Volkamer, R., Živkovic,́ I., 2024. Traceable Calibration of Atmospheric Oxidized Mercury Measurements. Environmental Science & Technology, 58, 10706–10716.
- Gustin, M.S., Dunham-Cheatham, S.M., Lyman, S., Horvat, M., Gay, D.A., Gačnik, J., Gratz, L., Kempkes, G., Khalizov, A., Lin, C.J., Lindberg, S.E., 2024. Measurement of Atmospheric Mercury: Current Limitations and Suggestions for Paths Forward. Environmental Science & Technology, 58,12853-12864.
- Gačnik, J., Lyman, S., Dunham-Cheatham, S.M., Gustin, M.S., 2024. Limitations and insights regarding atmospheric mercury sampling using gold. Analytica Chimica Acta, 1319, 342956.
Jason Olsen
Associate Professor
English | Eastern
- Olsen, J. (2023). Intersecting Genre: A skills-based approach to creative writing.
Tzung-Shiang Ou
Assistant Professor
Kinesiology and Health Science | Salt Lake
- Ou, T. S., Buu, A., Yang, J. J., & Lin, H. C. (2024). E-cigarette use reasons and associated e-cigarette use dependence among college students: A longitudinal examination. Addictive Behaviors, 155, 108039.
Jim LaMuth
Director of Programs
Uintah Basin
- Law, D.D., Vouvalis, N., Harris, A. & LaMuth, J. (2023). "The mentoring program as a research project". In D. Law & N. Dominguez (eds.), Making Connections: A handbook for effective formal mentoring programs in academia (pp. 326-350). Utah State University.
Brooke Osborne
Assistant Professor
Environment & Society | Moab
- Phillips, M., Lauria, C., Spector, T., Bradford, J., Gehring, C., Osborne, B., Howell, A., Grote, E., Rondeau, R., Trimber, G., Reed, S.Trajectories and Tipping Points of Piñon-Juniper Woodlands after Fire and Thinning. (2024).Global Change Biology, 30(2), e17149. DOI: 10.1111/gcb.17149
- Smith, M.D., Wilkins,K.D., Collins, S.L., Knapp, A. [and the International Drought Network including B.B. Osborne]. (2024).Extreme drought impacts have been underestimated in grasslands and shrublands globally.PNAS, 121(4), e2309881120. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2309881120
- Young, K.E., Osborne, B.B., Phillips, M., Winkler, D.E. (2023).Restoration research actions to address rapid change in drylands: insights from the Colorado Plateau.Restoration Ecology, 31(4), e13855. DOI: 10.1111/rec.13855
- Terry, T., Osvaldo, S, Ferrenberg, S., Reed, S., Osborne, B., Jordan, S, Lee, S., & Adler, P. (2024). Disturbance amplifies sensitivity of dryland productivity to precipitation variability. Science Advances, 10(30). DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.adm9732
- Díaz-Martinez, P., Maestre F.T., Moreno-Jiménez, E., Delgado-Baquerizo, M., Eldridge D.J., Saiz, H., Gross, N., Le Bagousse-Pinguet, Y., Gozalo, B., Ochoa, V., Guirado, E., García-Gómez, M., Valencia, E., Asensio, S., Berdugo, M., Martínez-Valderrama, J., Mendoza, B.J., García-Gil, J.C., Zaccone, C., Panettieri, M., García-Palacios, P., Fan, W., Benavente-Ferraces, I., Rey, A., Eisenhauer, N., Cesarz, S., [along with 100 members of the BIODESERT Network, including Osborne B.B.], Plaza, C. Vulnerability of mineral-associated soil organic carbon to climate across global drylands. (2024). Nature Climate Change, 1-7. DOI: 10.1038/s41558-024-02087-y
- Eldridge D., Ding, J., Dorrough, J., Delgado-Baquerizo, M., Sala, O., Gross, N.,Le Bagousse-Pinguet, Y., Mallen-Cooper, M., Saiz, H., Asensio, S.,Ochoa, V., Gozalo, B.,Guirado, E., García-Gómez, M., Valencia, E., Martínez-Valderrama, J., Plaza, C., [along with 101 members of the BIODESERT Network, including Osborne, B.B.], Maestre, M.T. (2024). Hotspots of biogeochemical activity linked to aridity and plant traits across global drylands. Nature Plants, 1-11. DOI: 10.1038/s41477-024-01670-7
Lacie Peterson
Clinical Associate Professor / Director of Dietetics Internship / Master of Dietetics and Food Sciences
Nutrition, Dietetics and Food Sciences | Salt Lake
- Weese, C., Thompson, K., Peterson, L., Brown, K.et al. (2023)Factors that Influence Dietetics Interns’ Dietary Practices.Dietetics 2023, 2(1), 71-82.
Peterson, L., Lee, H., Huybrects, I., Playdon, M., et al. (2023)Reliability estimates for assessing meal timing derived from longitudinal repeated 24-hour dietary recalls. Am J Clin Nutr 2023 May, 117(5):964-975.
Marla Robertson
Associate Professor
Teacher Education and Leadership | Uintah Basin
- Turner, R., Deliman, A. & Robertson, M. K. (2023). Curriculum Integration Using Picture Books: Combining Language Arts and Social Studies Standards to Address Controversial Issues. Social Studies and the Young Learner, 36(1), 27-32.
- Deliman, A., Robertson, M.K. & Turner, R.K. (2024). Combining Social-Emotional Learning Competencies and Contemporary Concerns Picturebooks to Foster Early Literacy Practices: An Interdisciplinary Approach, The Reading Teacher. http://doi.org/10.1002/trtr.2357
- Deliman, A., Smith, J.M., Robertson, M.K., *Bunnell, G. & *De Oliveira, J. (2024). The texts, the tasks, the talk: Reading, discussing, and exploring children’s literature. The Dragon Lode, 42(2), 47-57.
- Mohr, K., Jones, C., *Chamberlain, K., *DeCoursey, K., Robertson, M.K, *Summers, C., & *Bagley, M. (2024). Evidence-based practices to enliven writing instruction and support reading. The Reading Teacher, 77(6), 909-917. doi:10.1002/trtr.2321
Jeff Spears
Assistant Professor
Social Work | Eastern
- Spears, J., Hales, K., & Lewis, H.M. (2023). "Case study of the statewide faculty-to-student mentoring program at Utah State University." In D. Law & N. Dominguez (eds.), Making Connections: A handbook for effective formal mentoring programs in academia (pp. 359-368). Utah State University.
James Y. Taylor
Associate Professor / Vice President for Statewide Campuses
Sociology & Anthropology | Uintah Basin
- Taylor, J. Y., & Dart, G. (2023). "The mentoring context: Securing institutional support and organizational alignment." In D. Law & N. Dominguez (eds.), Making Connections: A handbook for effective formal mentoring programs in academia (pp. 131-150). Utah State University.
Rachel Turner
Assistant Professor
Teacher Education and Leadership | Eastern
- Turner, R., Deliman, A. & Robertson, M. K. (2023). Curriculum Integration Using Picture Books: Combining Language Arts and Social Studies Standards to Address Controversial Issues. Social Studies and the Young Learner, 36(1), 27-32.
- Deliman, A., Robertson, M.K. & Turner, R.K. (2024). Combining Social-Emotional Learning Competencies and Contemporary Concerns Picturebooks to Foster Early Literacy Practices: An Interdisciplinary Approach, The Reading Teacher. http://doi.org/10.1002/trtr.2357
Joseph Wilson
Biology | Tooele
- Williams, K., Pan, A.D., Wilson, J.S. (2024). Velvet Ants of North America
- Wilson, J.S., Young, J.G., Wilson, L.T. (2024) "The Bee Communities of Young Living Lavender Farm, Mona, Utah, USA." Diversity, 16(2), 119. https://doi.org/10.3390/d16020119
Martha Archuleta
Professor / Director of MDA Program
Nutrition, Dietetics and Food Sciences | Salt Lake
- Peterson, L., Kendrick, N., Givler, M., Archuleta, M. (2022) Training Prior to Supervised Practice Improves Dietetic Intern Knowledge and Confidence in the Nutrition Care Process. NDEP-Line, Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Winter 2022.
Sean Camp
Clinical Professor
Social Work | Tooele
- Camp, S., & Egbert, S.C. (2022). Enhancing Technology-Based Distance Education Delivery Using Collaborative Team-Teaching Methods. Journal on Empowering Teaching Excellence, 5(3), 9-26.
- Egbert, S.C., & Camp, S. (2021). Self-Care for the Caregiver: Trauma Stewardship for Foster Parents. Fostering Families Today, Nov/Dec, 34-37.
- Egbert, S.C., & Camp, S. (2021). Teaching Trauma-Burdened Students: Life-Balancing and Self-Care Strategies for Educators. The Best of the 2021 Teaching Professor Conference, 36-42.
Mike Christiansen
Associate Professor
Organic Chemistry, Chemistry Education | Uintah Basin
- Christiansen, M.A. (2021) Flipped Chemistry in Multi-Site IVC Courses: A Possible Model for the Future of Virtual Chemistry Education. In Technology-Enabled Blended Learning Experiences for Chemistry Education and Outreach; Fung, F.; Zimmermann, C., Eds.; Elsevier: Philadelphia, PA, 2021; 117–132. ISBN: 978-0-12-822879-1
- Christiansen, M.A. Organic Chemistry Unleashed. Top Hat Publishing: Toronto, 2021. ISBN: 978-0-9866151-0-8.
Brian Droubay
Assistant Professor
Social Work | Brigham City
- Droubay, B.A., Butters, R.P. & Shafer, K. (2021) The Pornography Debate: Religiosity and Support for Censorship. J Relig Health 60, 1652–1667.
Butters, R.P., Droubay, B.A., Seawright, J.L.et al. (2021)Intimate Partner Violence Perpetrator Treatment: Tailoring Interventions to Individual Needs.Clin Soc Work J49,391–404.
Pamela A. Dupin-Bryant
Professor / Vice Provost for Statewide Campuses
Data Analytics & Information Systems | Tooele
- Siggard, R., Dupin-Bryant, P. A., Mills, R. J., & Olsen, D. H. (2022). Teaching Tip: Using SQL to Create and Mine Large, Customizable Datasets. Journal of Information Systems Education, 33(3), 209-228.
- Mills, R. J., Fadel, K. J., Olsen, T., Chudoba, K. M., & Dupin-Bryant, P. A. (2022). Examining Trends in Business Analytics Education From 2011 to 2020 in AACSB-Accredited Information Systems Programs. Journal of Information Systems Education, 33(3), 232-244.
Susan Egbert
Clinical Professor / MSW Program Director
Social Work | Kaysville
- Camp, S., & Egbert, S.C. (2022). Enhancing Technology-Based Distance Education Delivery Using Collaborative Team-Teaching Methods. Journal on Empowering Teaching Excellence, 5(3), 9-26.
- Egbert, S.C., & Camp, S. (2021). Self-Care for the Caregiver: Trauma Stewardship for Foster Parents. Fostering Families Today, Nov/Dec, 34-37.
- Egbert, S.C., & Camp, S. (2021). Teaching Trauma-Burdened Students: Life-Balancing and Self-Care Strategies for Educators. The Best of the 2021 Teaching Professor Conference, 36-42.
Maria Givler
Clinical Assistant Professor
Nutrition, Dietetics and Food Sciences | Tooele
- Peterson, L., Kendrick, N., Givler, M., Archuleta, M. (2022) Training Prior to Supervised Practice Improves Dietetic Intern Knowledge and Confidence in the Nutrition Care Process. NDEP-Line, Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Winter 2022.
Vonda Jump
Associate Professor
Social Work | Brigham City
- Soyer, M., McCrackin, G., Ziyanak, S., Givens, J., Jump, V., & Schad, J. (2023). Leaving the Lectures Behind: Using Community-Engaged Learning in Research Methods Classes to Teach about Sustainability. Teaching Sociology, 51(2), 151-160.
- Jump Norman, V. K., Juhasz, A., Useche, K., & Kinniburgh, K. (2021). How are you feeling? Using the ARC Model to help children who have experienced trauma tune into, and manage, their emotions. Young Children 76(1), 63-68.
John Lawson
Senior Air Quality Scientist Research
Bingham Research Center | Uintah Basin
- Lawson, J.R. (2022), Weather in my life. Weather, 77: 206-207.
- Lawson, J. R., C. K. Potvin, P. S. Skinner, and A. E. Reinhart (2021) The Vice and Virtue of Increased Horizontal Resolution in Ensemble Forecasts of Tornadic Thunderstorms in Low-CAPE, High-Shear Environments. Mon. Wea. Rev., 149, 921–944.
Seth Lyman
Associate Professor, Research Professor and Director
Chemistry & Biochemistry | Bingham Entrepreneurship & Energy Research Center | Uintah Basin
- Lyman, N., Tran, H. N. Q., O’Neil, T. L., Mansfield, M. L. (2022) Low NOX and high organic compound emissions from oilfield pumpjack engines. Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene, 10, 00064.
- Dunham-Cheatham S. M., Gustin M. S., Lyman S. N. (2022) Comparison and calibration of methods for ambient reactive mercury quantification. Science of the Total Environment, 856, 159219.
- Lyman, N., Elgiar, T., Gustin, M. S., Dunham-Cheatham, S. M., David, L. M., Zhang, L. (2022) Evidence against rapid mercury oxidation in photochemical smog. Environmental Science and Technology, 56, 11225-11235.
- Lin, J. C., Bares, R., Fasoli, B., Garcia, M., Crosman, E., Lyman, S. (2021) Declining methane emissions and steady, high leakage rates observed over multiple years in a western US oil/gas production basin. Scientific Reports, 11, 22291.
- Gustin, M., Dunham-Cheatham, S., Huang, J., Lindberg, S., Lyman, S. (2021) Development of an understanding of reactive mercury in ambient air: a review. Atmosphere, 12, 73.
- Mansfield, M. L., Lyman, S. N. (2021) Winter ozone pollution in Utah’s Uinta Basin is Attenuating. Atmosphere, 12, 4.
- Gustin, M. S., Dunham-Cheatham, S. M., Zhang, L., Lyman, S. N., Choma, N., Castro, M. (2021) Use of membranes and detailed HYSPLIT analyses to understand atmospheric particulate, gaseous oxidized, and reactive mercury chemistry. Environmental Science and Technology, DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.0c07876.
- Lyman, N., Holmes, M. L., Tran, H. N. Q., Tran, T., O’Neil, T. (2021) High ethylene and propylene in an area dominated by oil production. Atmosphere, 12, 1.
Brooke Osborne
Assistant Professor
Environment & Society | Moab
- Hu, M., Wang, J., Lu, L., Shao, P., Zhou, Z., Wang, D., Han, S., Osborne, B., & Chen, J. (2023). Post-fire soil extracellular enzyme activities in subtropical–warm temperate climate transitional forests. Land Degradation & Development, 34(7), 1973–1983.
- Osborne, B. B., Roybal, C. M., Reibold, R., Collier, C. D., Geiger, E., Phillips, M. L., Weintraub, M. N., & Reed, S. C. (2022). Biogeochemical and ecosystem properties in three adjacent semi-arid grasslands are resistant to nitrogen deposition but sensitive to edaphic variability. Journal of Ecology, 110, 1615–1631.
Lacie Peterson
Clinical Associate Professor / Director of Dietetics Internships
Nutrition, Dietetics and Food Sciences | Salt Lake
- Karra, P., Winn, M., Pauleck, S., Bulsiewicz-Jacobsen, A., Peterson, L., Coletta, A., Doherty, J., Ulrich, C.M., Summers, S.A., Gunter, M., Hardikar, S., Playdon, M.C. (2022)Metabolic dysfunction and obesity-related cancer: Beyond obesity and metabolic syndrome. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2022 Jul; 30(7):1323-1334. doi: 10.1002/oby.23444. PMID: 35785479; PMCID: PMC9302704.
- Peterson, L., Kendrick, N., Givler, M., Archuleta, M. (2022) Training Prior to Supervised Practice Improves Dietetic Intern Knowledge and Confidence in the Nutrition Care Process. NDEP-Line, Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Winter 2022.
Becky Williams
Associate Professor
Biology | Uintah Basin
- Williams, B.L. and Brosi, S.L. (2022) "Changes in Obstacles to Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic for University Students and Recommended Solutions Journal on Empowering Teaching Excellence: 6(2), Article 7. Available at https://digitalcommons.usu.edu/jete/vol6/iss2/7